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How to Make Fresh Organic Filmjolk

How to Make Fresh Organic Filmjolk



We do not recommend the use of raw milks as they can carry a heavy bacterial load that can compete with these dairy cultures, alter the taste and may kill the culture. We recommend a good quality pasteurised milk with no additives. (No UHT) When our customers, (especially those new to culturing) purchase our dairy cultures, we want them to have the greatest success as these can last indefinitely if properly cared for. If you choose to use raw milk at your own risk, please use a reputable source known for their cleanliness.

This procedure makes starter for all future generations of filmjolk

  1. Put your 30g of fresh filmjolk  starter into a wide shallow bowl. With a spoon spread the filmjolk around the bottom and part way up the sides of the bowl. 
  2. Add 1 cup of cold milk to the bowl. Cover the bowl with waxed paper or a saucer to keep out dust. 
  3. Place the bowl where it can stay undisturbed, an area with a 18 -24 C temperature range. In this temperature, it will take 24-30 hours to “set”. The very centre is the slowest to thicken and may remain a bit thinner than the rest. Up to 27 C is acceptable but at this temperature is may take as little as 12 hours and care should be taken to promptly refrigerate the finished culture to avoid souring. Do not use a yoghurt maker, as it is too hot and will kill the culture.

When you tip the bowl slightly and the filmjolk is no longer liquid, then it is “set”. Refrigerate. Save about ¼ cup of the freshened filmjolk into a new container with a lid and label it filmjolk starter’ and refrigerate. This is the new filmjolk starter. Do not forget this step or you will not have a starter for next time. It is helpful to set the clean container near the spot where you are culturing so as not to forget. You may now enjoy eating the rest of the fimjolk!

Start your new batch from step one using your reserved filmjolk starter culture.

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